Due to a large increase of last-minute cancellations and no-show appointments, we have been forced to implement a new policy. We schedule our appointment routes so that each patient receives as much dedicated time as they need with our providers and scheduling is based specifically on your geographical area. In order for DermRight to provide the utmost quality of care, it is very important that you are available and ready for your appointment at the address you provided, on the date and window of time confirmed with our office. We understand that you may sometimes need to reschedule an appointment, therefore, no fee will be charged if your appointment is cancelled at least 24 hours in advance. There is a widespread negative impact when an appointment is not cancelled 24 hours in advance. Specifically, and most importantly, another patient with a need to be seen, loses out on that opportunity because our provider wasted time and resources traveling to the appointment. By cancelling your appointment in a timely manner, it allows us to offer that time to another patient who needs it.
If for any reason you need to reschedule your appointment, please call us at 888-662-3376 and if we are not available you can leave a voicemail that will be checked at the beginning of each day. We will do what we can to reschedule your appointment for the next available time a provider is in the area but please understand that we regularly schedule 4-6 weeks out so, if possible, that should be taken into consideration when rescheduling.
We understand that unavoidable circumstances sometimes occur causing you to miss your appointment. In rare situations, including but not limited to, being hospitalized, if you call us at your first opportunity, we will work with you and this policy will not apply, but that decision is at the sole discretion and approval of DermRight.
First No-Show
If you do not cancel or reschedule your appointment within 24 hours you will be charged a $20 no-show fee. This “no-show charge” is not reimbursable by your insurance company and will be billed directly to you. In order to schedule future appointments this fee is required to be paid in full and you must contact DermRight to initiate a new appointment. If DermRight does not hear from you within 4 weeks, your chart will be made inactive.
Second No-Show
If you have a second no-show appointment, you will be charged a $40 no-show fee and you jeopardize being discharged from the practice. If not discharged, in order to schedule future appointments this fee is required to be paid in full and you must contact DermRight to initiate a new appointment. If DermRight does not hear from you within 4 weeks, your chart will be made inactive.
Patient Scheduling Restrictions and Preferences
We value you as a patient and recognize you may have other important priorities to coordinate and for this reason, we obtain all of your restrictions and preferences during our intake process and then we schedule based on your availability. If we offer you an appointment based on the information you've provided and you decline that appointment, this will delay your care. You will be added back to our "to be scheduled" queue which could be up to an additional 4-6 weeks until an appointment becomes available again. Please remember to keep us informed of any changes to your schedule which could impact getting an appointment.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding, and we look forward to being a part of your healthcare team!